AstraZeneca CEO Soriot on Pharmaceuticals in China

AstraZeneca CEO Soriot on Pharmaceuticals in China

Since the March 27, 2024, a lot of internet users are only talking about it, the last video of Bloomberg Television is making a lot of talk since its release and could also interest you!

Many of you have asked us on social networks these last weeks to share with you new contents from the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television, keep sending us messages, it makes us very happy to know that you like our contents. And so we decided to share with you today this latest content that might spark your interest.

To watch the video AstraZeneca CEO Soriot on Pharmaceuticals in China that was posted today by the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television, click on the video just above. You will then be able to discover it in streaming for free directly on our site!

The video has been posted for less than an hour and is currently the talk of the web. Usually the new videos of the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television are much less talked about. Soon in trends? That's all the bad news we wish him, considering the work this channel has been doing for many years now!

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We hope that you liked this video and that we were not mistaken in proposing it to you, indeed AstraZeneca CEO Soriot on Pharmaceuticals in China is a video which interests many Internet users at the moment. When we write an article and we see that it gets views because our community likes it, we can't wait to convince you to come back and read us more often! So do us a favor and come back regularly on Croblanc to follow other videos of Bloomberg Television.

It's over, let's pack up! See you soon for a new article on your favorite site: Croblanc of course!

For your information, you can find below the description of the video AstraZeneca CEO Soriot on Pharmaceuticals in China published by the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television:

AstraZeneca CEO Pascal Soriot discusses the drugmaker’s business strategy in China, the US “BIOSECURE Act,” and future deals and partnerships in China. He speaks with Stephen Engle on the sidelines of the BOAO forum.