Boeing CEO Calhoun Stepping Down After Safety Crisis

Boeing CEO Calhoun Stepping Down After Safety Crisis

We have watched with attention the new video of Bloomberg Television which is available on Youtube since March 25, 2024 and we think that it could catch the interest of many Internet users...

And yes, the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television has again the right to an article on Croblanc today, and at the same time it is quite logical considering the passion that our community puts every time a new video is available on the internet. Sometimes we hesitate to write an article because we don't know if you will like it, but today we know that this video will interest you.

The Youtube channel Bloomberg Television has published today a new video called Boeing CEO Calhoun Stepping Down After Safety Crisis. You want to discover this video and watch it in streaming, you are lucky we put it aside for you!

The video is doing a very good start since it was uploaded on the Youtube channel of Bloomberg Television and it could well end up in trend if the scores remain at these levels. However, we should not get too excited and wait a few days to see if this good start is confirmed with a buzz on the duration.

You have problems with this content? You have spotted an error in the video that you want to report to the editor? You have 2 main ways to talk to a Youtuber, the most common way is by using the email address that is displayed on his Youtube channel (in the "About" section). However, not all youtubers have the time to reply to each of you, so you can also try to contact them on their social networks.

Before leaving, we hope you liked the video Boeing CEO Calhoun Stepping Down After Safety Crisis, or that it met your expectations in time. We hope to see you soon on our site, in the meantime you can find other videos of Bloomberg Television by strolling on our site or even by going directly on the Youtube channel.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are coming to the end of this article Croblanc, we hope you have enjoyed reading it, at least as much as we have enjoyed writing it!

For your information, you can find below the description of the video Boeing CEO Calhoun Stepping Down After Safety Crisis published by the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television:

Boeing Co. announced sweeping changes to its management on Monday with its chief executive officer, head of commercial airplanes and chairman all stepping down as the company grapples with a crisis centered on its most important product, the 737 Max jetliner. CEO Dave Calhoun will leave at the end of 2024. Bloomberg's Brooke Sutherland reports.