Red Sea Diversions Will Continue, Says Hapag-Lloyd CEO

Red Sea Diversions Will Continue, Says Hapag-Lloyd CEO

Since the March 14, 2024, a lot of internet users are only talking about it, the last video of Bloomberg Television is making a lot of talk since its release and could also interest you!

Many of you have asked us on social networks these last weeks to share with you new contents from the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television, keep sending us messages, it makes us very happy to know that you like our contents. That's why we're writing this article today, because we already know that it will arouse your interest.

We propose you today to find the last video of the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television which is simply called Red Sea Diversions Will Continue, Says Hapag-Lloyd CEO. If you liked it, don't hesitate to like the content to support the author of the video!

And as expected, the last video of the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television is a hit on the first feedback we could read! It manages to interest a lot of internet users, which is not always easy considering the amount of content that can be found now on the internet as well as on applications such as TikTok, Facebook or Instagram.

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Well it's almost time to conclude this paper, you can watch the video Red Sea Diversions Will Continue, Says Hapag-Lloyd CEO again if you want, it should be available for some time. Did you know that? On Youtube, you can find other videos of Bloomberg Television that have been uploaded by other users and that are not yet referenced on Croblanc. If you are curious, go and have a look, you never know!

It's over, let's pack up! See you soon for a new article on your favorite site: Croblanc of course!

For your information, you can find below the description of the video Red Sea Diversions Will Continue, Says Hapag-Lloyd CEO published by the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television:

Red Sea shipping diversions may last a few more months due to Houthi pirate attacks says Hapag-Lloyd CEO Rolf Habben Jansen. He says carriers are still changing routes, and higher costs are being passed on to consumers. He is on "Bloomberg Surveillance."

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