Rogoff: Trump, Biden are the Two Most Protectionist Presidents

Rogoff: Trump, Biden are the Two Most Protectionist Presidents

On Croblanc, you like to find the freshest contents of the internet. Well, once again we'll be able to treat you because since March 16, 2024, a new video is available on Bloomberg Television's channel and that's why we're sharing it with you without further delay!

As you know, it's not the first time we talk about the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television on Croblanc, and each time it always captivates you so much! At the same time, we understand you, the contents that we find there are simply unique. And that's why we're telling you about it today, this brand new video should interest you.

To watch the video Rogoff: Trump, Biden are the Two Most Protectionist Presidents that was posted today by the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television, click on the video just above. You will then be able to discover it in streaming for free directly on our site!

For several hours, many people have been talking about this new video on social networks and it also makes people react on many discussion forums. This is not the first time that the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television releases a video that makes people talk about it, and we know your great interest for this kind of content.

On television, it is very difficult to get in touch with the hosts or even the producers of a show. On the internet, it's much easier to contact a videographer when you want to give him feedback about a video published on Youtube! You have 2 main ways to talk to a Youtuber, the most common way is by using the email address that is displayed on his Youtube channel (in the "About" section). However, not all youtubers have the time to reply to each of you, so you can also try to contact them on their social networks.

Normally, if you are still reading this article, it means that the video Rogoff: Trump, Biden are the Two Most Protectionist Presidents must have pleased you and that we did not make a mistake in encouraging you to watch it. When we write an article and we see that it gets views because our community likes it, we can't wait to convince you to come back and read us more often! So do us a favor and come back regularly on Croblanc to follow other videos of Bloomberg Television.

Looking forward to discovering new contents with you, see you next time on Croblanc!

For your information, you can find below the description of the video Rogoff: Trump, Biden are the Two Most Protectionist Presidents published by the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television:

Kenneth Rogoff, Harvard University Professor of Economics says that President Biden and Donald Trump are the two most protectionist presidents in a long time, and warns of the potential recessionary effects of a 10% tariff.