World's Largest Solar Manufacturer Longi Is Cutting Jobs

World's Largest Solar Manufacturer Longi Is Cutting Jobs

Like many Internet users, you have been waiting for several hours for the last video of Bloomberg Television, know that your wait will finally end, the video is now available since March 19, 2024!

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The Youtube channel Bloomberg Television has published today a new video called World's Largest Solar Manufacturer Longi Is Cutting Jobs. You want to discover this video and watch it in streaming, you are lucky we put it aside for you!

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For your information, you can find below the description of the video World's Largest Solar Manufacturer Longi Is Cutting Jobs published by the Youtube channel Bloomberg Television:

Bloomberg sources say China's Longi Green Energy Technology is cutting almost one-third of its staff to slash costs in an industry struggling with overcapacity and fierce competition. Longi has denied the report, saying reductions would involve about 5% of total employees. Bloomberg's Dan Murtaugh reports.